Friday, August 8, 2008


We just found out that the director of the orphanage will only let us visit Maria 3 times in the next week. There's nothing we can do about it so we're just going to spend the extra time exploring Odessa. We didn't see her yesterday and are waiting to hear if today will be our first of the 3 days. She was taken to a doctor for an eye infection and may not be back in time for us to go today. I am trying to not get discouraged by the things I cannot change.


Kevin and Tammy said...

Just keep the faith. She will be yours soon and you can make all those decisions for her. We will keep you in our prayers.

Crutch said...

It does sound so frustrating especially since she was anticipating you yesterday, but you are wise to stay focused on the things you have some control over! Thankfully she is away at camp where surely they are kept busy, so hopefully she could also be refocused away from wondering too long about your absence. Hopefully the court date will be set soon! Ray and I are keeping you guys in our prayers!!