Monday, August 11, 2008


I am sitting her at a street cafe and thought I should let you know about all the stray cats and dogs here.  They are everywhere.  Bob Barker would be horrified that they don't spay and neuter.  Cats are always walking around the cafes and people just act as if it's nothing.  Dogs run around the streets, many times in packs.  I've never seen anyone approach them or try to prevent all the strays from roaming the streets.  I have no idea where they get their food .  I actually think the people here love the animals and this is all they know to do for all of them.  At our not so nice apartment there were at least 10 cats and kittens living in the courtyard.  Viktor made fast friends with them and even gave them names.  When we left, he had to say goodbye to them all.  I will have Brynn get some pictures.  Weird.

1 comment:

Darleen said...

Hi all!
So wonderful to read about your trip and especially Maria. She sounds sweet and fun.
I can't wait to meet her!
We'll see you soon.
Come out to the lake and we'll go around on the boat. Viktor can fish and so can Maria if she wants to!
I printed Maria's photo and have it hanging over my desk at work so whenever I look up from the computer, I see her sweet face and send her and you all a good thought and prayer.
Love Darleen