Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Maria, We Just Met A Girl Named Maria

We are exhausted! We woke up at 4 a.m. and started on our drive to meet Masha (Maria). We had to first stop in the town that her orphanage is in, which is Kotovsk. She was not there because she is in a "camp" for the summer. We went to her orphange to meet with the director and caretakers to learn a bit more about her. We also picked up the Inspector for Kotovsk. He needed to accompany us to Odessa to watch our interactions with Masha. He then writes a report on his recommendation for the adoption. We didn't reach the "camp" in Odessa until almost 5:30 p.m.

We met Masha in the lobby. She was a bit shy and embarassed at first. Soon, Brynn was speaking to her in Russian and letting her take pictures with her digital camera. Masha was enthralled. We only visited with her for about 30 min. She was delightful! We've already seen a sense of humor-Thank God!! At the end of our visit, our translator asked her if she wanted us to continue visiting her. She let her know that we are interested in adopting her. Masha smiled and said, "Da!" We will go back and visit her twice a day for the next week or so. We are all in agreement that we will start the paperwork process tomorrow.

We then drove around until we found a place to stay. We are in a great apartment in the center of Odessa. What a beautiful part of town! The Black Sea is just blocks away. We walked around a bit tonight and will do more exploring over the next week.

I can't wait to tell you more about her. One thing-she's not as small as I thought she would be. She's about average for her age. Keep us in your prayers. I think they have been working very well.


Hanh Do said...

Wow, Cathy! I got chills reading this blog. I am so happy for you and your family. Things will work out very well. You are a great person to be doing all this. Will continue to pray for you and your Maria. Now you have a Maria too. Kaelei will love that.

Louise said...

I kept checking to see if you had posted today. I am so excited for you! Is she taller than Viktor? Give us more info on her looks. I can't wait to hear more!!!


Anonymous said...

This is great news! Maria sounds like a lovely girl. Our dossier is suppose to be submitted on August 12th. We are so excited. I love to hear how others are getting along in this process. We will pray that you will have an amazing time getting to know this sweet girl.

lmk said...

We're glad to hear everything is going well for you. Maria sounds wonderful.

We are back in Kiev after declining our referral :(

Lisa Ketola

Kevin and Tammy said...

Great news. Keep us up on all the latest news.

Lea said...

How wonderful that your first visit was so positive. I will pray that they get better and better each time... but I already know that this is a good match.

Can you post pictures of some of the places you visit?
I look forward to reading your postings - and can't wait to see what Maria looks like.